On the Subject of Purchasing Properties

Do not pass go, do not collect $200.

See Appendix A for indicator identification reference.
See Appendix B for battery identification reference.
See Appendic C for port identification reference.

  • Start in section “Property Color.” Follow the instructions in the order listed, and determine the color of the property by the first condition that applies to your bomb.
  • Next, refer to the “Property Address” section. Again, follow the instructions in order, choosing the property of the color-set specified in the previous section by the first valid rule in the “Property Address” section.
  • If at any point you are referred to another section, disregard any other information you have previously attained, and purchase the property as specified in the new section.

Property Color

  1. Firstly, if the bomb has a parallel port, you will need to purchase a pink property.
  2. Otherwise, if there is a lit NSA or an unlit MSA indicator on the bomb, you should purchase a property from the green color-set.
  3. Otherwise, if there is a lit MSA indicator or an unlit NSA indicator, purchase a blue property.
  4. Otherwise, if there is only 1 battery on the bomb, you will need to purchase a yellow property.
  5. Otherwise, if the bomb has both an RJ-45 port AND a PS2 port, select an orange property for purchase.
  6. Otherwise, if there is a CAR indicator on the bomb, lit or unlit, refer to “On the Rails.”
  7. Otherwise, if there are at least 3 port plates on the bomb, purchase a purple property.
  8. Otherwise, if there are an even number of batteries, you will need to purchase a sky blue property.
  9. Otherwise, if there are at least 4 AA batteries, select a red property to purchase.
  10. If NONE of the above apply, refer to “Utilities.”

Property Address

  1. If the bomb has a lit IND indicator, purchase the first property on the street.
  2. Otherwise, if there is an unlit indicator with the label FRK, purchase the last property on the street.
  3. Otherwise, if the last digit of the serial number is even, purchase the earliest reached property.
  4. Otherwise, purchase the first property of the set if there is either an IND or FRQ indicator (lit or unlit).
  5. Otherwise, if there is a 0 in the serial number, and the set has three properties, purchase the middle property.
  6. Otherwise, if there is a CAR indicator on the bomb, lit or unlit, refer to “On the Rails.”
  7. Otherwise, if there is an odd number of batteries, purchase the most expensive property of the set.
  8. Otherwise, if there is a TRN indicator on the bomb and you have not been instructed to purchase a purple or blue property, purchase the middle property of the set.
  9. Lastly, if you have not already been instructed to purchase a pink or a sky colored property, purchase the last property on the street.
  10. If NONE of the above apply, purchase the middle property of the set.

On the Rails

  1. If the number of port plates on the bomb modulo 4 is 1, purchase the Pennsylvania Railroad.
  2. Otherwise, if the number of port plates is a multiple of 4, purchase the Reading Railroad.
  3. Otherwise, if there are an even number of port plates, purchase the B. & O. Railroad.
  4. Otherwise, purchase the Short Line Railroad.


Prime numbers are very useful for many applications. If there are a prime number of batteries, purchase the Water Works utility. Otherwise, purchase the Electric Company.

Board Reference